Project 313 - Ramadan 1446 Fundraiser. We are looking for 313 generous individuals to donate £7 a month to cover the masjid’s utility bills and running costs.

End of Year Jalsah

Posted By Taleemi Board


Dear Parents/Guardians.

Assalamu ‘Alaykum,

The Madrasah will be holding its end of year ceremony (Jalsah) on Friday 20th December from 5pm - 7pm.

On this day all students will attend from 5pm - 7pm.

Year 1, 2 & all girls classes will have their Jalsah downstairs in the Masjid courtyard. Mothers & sisters are welcome to attend. Please use the carpark entrance.

All boys & Hifz classes (excluding years 1 & 2) will have their Jalsah in the upstairs Jamat Khana. Fathers & brothers are welcome to attend. Please use the main entrance from Milton Street.

The Madrasah encourages parents to attend the Jalsa, but we ask that parents makes sure they follow the rules of the Madrasah/Masjid. Please use good etiquette and remain silent during the children’s presentation and while certificates are being given out. If you are bringing younger children, please keep them seated with you at all times. Failure to adhere to the rules of the Madrasah/Masjid and good behaviour of guests in the Jalsah will result in Jalsah happening behind closed doors in the future.


The last day of Madrasah will be Friday 20th December & will reopen on Monday30th.

Upon return on Monday30th, the new academic year will start.

Taleemi Board